Published by Dick Eastman: MyHeritage Launches Breakthrough Global Name Translation™ Technology

I think this is a huge advancement in online searches for genealogy information. I saw the brand-new Global Name Translation demonstrated earlier today at the International Association of Jewish Genealogical Societies (IAJGS) annual conference in Jerusalem and I am very impressed. Global Name Translation is the easy way to search through MyHeritage’s massive multilingual and…

Published by Dick Eastman: Which Is Better For Translations: Man Or Machine?

Google Translate is an excellent tool for genealogist and many others. It translates text from one language to another and presently supports 117 different languages. People use Google Translate to translate over 100 billion words a day! Machine-generated translation was sometimes laughable a very few years ago but the technology has improved greatly in the…

From How to Spanish: If im going to say sentences like: give me, tell me, kill me, pass me, see me. What pattern shall i use? Imperative verb + me OR infinitive form + me? Like: escucharme or escuchame? Darme or dame?

If you’re doing commands, it’s typically going to be dame or escúchame or no me dés, no me escuches as negative commands.The infinitive would only really apply if you were saying like tienes que darme “you have to give me” or tienes que escucharme “you have to listen to me”The imperative mood is rarely done with infinitives.